The Exorcism Official Trailer 2024 | Russell Crowe | Horror Movie

2024-06-03 8

#theexorcismmovie #officialtrailer #russellcrowe #horrorstories

Emmy Award-winner Russell Crowe leads the cast of "The Haunting of Anthony Miller," portraying the role of the titular character, a troubled actor whose grip on reality begins to slip during the filming of a supernatural horror movie. As Anthony's behavior becomes increasingly erratic, his estranged daughter, Lee (played by Ryan Simpkins), grapples with the question of whether his descent is due to a relapse into past addictions or if there are darker forces at work. Joining Crowe and Simpkins are stellar talents including Sam Worthington, Chloe Bailey, Adam Goldberg, and David Hyde Pierce, promising an intense and gripping cinematic experience.

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